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D.C.C.A. Old Building |
- Insistence of IOND University to Office of Consumer Protecion -
1. This IOND University spent much money to the State of Hawaii, but obtained
no profit whatsoever. This IOND University was established on Apr. 12,
1999, as a non-profit educational organization, and ever since we have
spent a total of 700,000 dollars in the State of Hawaii for its maintaining,
managing and administrating up until now, but getting none of money, even
a cent from the State of Hawaii and this is attributable to the provisions
of the HRS in the State Law of Hawaii causing unbelievable discrimination
in the matter of laws and administration in the course of managing and
administrating the non-accredited university such as ours. For instance,
the following No.2 may be taken up to prove it.
2. Under the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS),no none-accredited universities
may do their activities. because theyare required by HRS446E-2 (a) to state to the effect that they are not accredited by any of the organizations
or organs recognized by the federal government ministry of education, that
the credits obtained are not acceptable by other universities or that no
employment is guaranteed. It all depends on each university or firms to
evaluate the credits and to decide whether the credits are acceptable or
not, irrespective of accreditation. It is not the government nor law that
decides these matters. HRS, however, enjoins only the non-accredited universities
to clearly state to the said effect in their pamphlets and in any other
promotional leaflets and in this regard, may be said to violate the US
Common Law in the point that education shall be free of any controls by
the government or laws. Such being the case, there has been unlawful discrimination
on the non-accredited universities. Furthermore, a university registered
lawfully in the State of Hawaii, it is abandoned flatly as being said “it
has nothing to do with theState of Hawaii ” by 446E-5(a).
If it is true that the state of Hawaii has nothing to do with it, there
shouldn’t have been HRS enacted and now allthe present stipulations of
it should be made invalid. 446E-5(a) prohibits such non-accredited universities from collecting money from their
The state universities may be alright as they are tax-funded, but other
universities, whether accredited or non-accredited, cannot be managed unless
paid by the students. In this connection, HRS seems to say “any non-accredited
university should collapse.” In complete compliance with HRS provisions,
how this IOND University and other non-accredited could recruit their students,
this IOND University having been unable to collect any money from any student,
as there have been no students applying for entrance. Namely,under HRS
it is impossible for any non-accredited university to manage and to perform
its activities.
3. Four educational concepts and struggle for three points of discrimination.
The educational concepts of this IOND University may be summarized and
said to be a education of human character, of enlightenment, of learning
from great men and examining and evaluating the learning system levels,
based on which this IOND University has been engaged its three struggles
including racial discrimination, gender discrimination and educational
background discrimination. The educational background discrimination is
that the government urges it by discriminating by laws the graduates from
high school graduates, first-class universities from those otherwise and
accredited universities from others. Regarding all the universities and
their evaluations、it is each of the universities and enterprises or even
individuals that determine them. It is not the government nor the laws
that determine them. Actually, however, what is needed in the living society
is those of actual ability, of excellent accomplishments and of noble character.
4. Higher education ought to be based on freedom and independent from the
government. America has been developing since its declaration of independence
as a country of democracy and freedom, as basically prompted by the higher
education on a freedom basis and various types of higher educating organs
and institutes completely separated from the government. As a result, America
enjoys its most advanced education of the whole world. While on the other
hand, in such countries as North Korea and Iran there has been no advancement
in learning because their higher education is narrowly restricted by the
government or by the laws. A higher education organs or institutes completely
free from the government restriction, may be exposed to its bankruptcy
in the worst case since it is not supported financially by the government.
A completely free society is the one where there is such risk willingly
accepted as going bankrupt at the compensation of the freedom. This IOND
University is one of the higher educating institutes in opposition to the
government of such a country as North Korea and the laws as well as the
sense of value that stands against such independence.
5. Non-accredited universities including IOND University have been suffering
from disadvantages through unreasonably discriminated owing to HRS. Because
of the HRS provisions enacted immediately after this IOND University was
established, the university has been not only under illegal disadvantage,but
prevented from doing its free school management and educational activities.
Should the Hawaii State Government intend to collapse non-accredited universities,
it shouldn’t have approved registration of such universities in the first
place. After permitting such registration of a non-accredited university,
it has discriminated it unlawfully under HRS just simply because it is
not accredited, thus prevented from doing its free school management and
educational activities. Furthermore, it discriminates those people awarded
the academic degree from non-accredited university. This HRS at present
is a bad law because it deprives freedom of education, thus promoting the
educational background discriminations. This IOND University will intend
to continue its struggling against such unacceptable laws until it disappears.
In spite of the US Common Law, stating education shall not be controlled
or ruled by the government or laws, the Hawaii state government , has been
insisting that the academic degree or educational backgrounds be restricted
by the government or laws in its “government controlling” idea, thus discriminating
the university management and educational activities according to its accreditation
or non-accreditation.
Under such conditions as this,it is impossible to perform truly free higher
education, completely free from the government.
Actually,this IOND University has been unable to perform its acts.
For conclusion, this university insists on the illegality and unfairness
of HRS446E-2(a), 446E-5(a) and 446E-5(e).
The present situation caused by this HRS, is not only violating the freedom
and independence of higher education of America, but also illegally discriminating
those awarded academic degree from non-accredited university, causing them
much disadvantages.